Newsletters, Calendars, Careplans & Activities

Online Assistant

Newsletter and Calendar Templates

Each month we offer, our members, Newsletter and Calendar templates ready to be edited to fit their Activity Program . The templates are created in Microsoft Word and PrintMaster software. They include articles, artwork and fillers to help get you started and save you time.

Sign In / Register

Pricing starting at $9.95 a Month

Monthy, Quarterly, Semi-Annual & Annual subscriptions available.

Activity Charting
Online Glossary with activity and medical related terms
Careplan Assistant
Suggested careplan strategies for a wide range of challenges
Downloads Click-n-Print
Activity forms, Puzzles, Games, Clip-Art, Signs, Bingo Cards and more...
1500+ Activities
Alot of planned activities! catorgorized and ready to click and print

Some of the Best Companies Trust Activity Directors Network